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Seven populations is unfavorable eat yuanxiao garden (care)

     In the traditional festival Lantern Festival of the Chinese nation, will eat yuanxiao, family reunion.But yuanxiao skin is mainly made from glutinous rice, glutinous rice contains more amylopectin, strong viscosity, not easy to digest. In this remind you, seven class people should not eat yuanxiao:

Frail elderly:The digestive function decline, some teeth have fall off, especially the elderly swallowing reflex insensitive, may be caused by rapid swallowing yuanxiao throat, causing difficulty in breathing, even suffocation death.

Fever: in patients with fever in patients with gastrointestinal tract is relatively inhibition, so should eat easy to digest food, such as some of liquid diets can accentuate otherwise illness.

Ulcers: eat yuanxiao can accelerate the secretion of gastric acid increased, heighten the ulcer surface, severe cases can cause stomach bleeding, gastric perforation, etc.

Patients with diabetes: yuanxiao sugar content is higher, if the coveted luck to eat STH delicious, can make a dramatic increase in blood sugar, not only can aggravate the condition, can also induce ketoacidosis.

Healing at the beginning of a long illness: although the patient appetite has improved, but still weak digestive function, excessive eating yuanxiao for recovery.

Patients with acute gastroenteritis: in patients with gastrointestinal tract is under a state of congestion, edema and eat yuanxiao can aggravate the burden of gastrointestinal tract. Patients should eat some rice water, such as lotus root starch is easy to digest the food.

Patients with hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease: yuanxiao in fat, sugar, etc. Will increase blood viscosity, slowed blood flow and increased blood pressure, also can aggravate heart ischemia, ischemia, induce angina pectoris